Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse Provider services
We understand the complex issues facing substance abuse providers today. Whether you are a psychiatrist, physician group or a treatment facility serving a distinct need in your community, it can be difficult to establish a standard of care that meets your collective needs and also recognizes that each patient is different and requires personalized care.
We Can Help
At the same time getting fairly compensated for the services you provide is no easy task. Substance abuse providers are often poorly understood and unfairly targeted by payers. We can help. Our staff has deep experience with substance abuse reimbursement rules and regulations. Services include:
- Analysis and recommendations for fee structuring
- Fee negotiations and single case agreements
- Support UB04 and HCFA-1500 claims for both facilities and individual providers
- Customized reporting and analytics
- Software training and support
Substance Abuse Providers
Guidance with reimbursement rules and regulations.